“The Master Communicator” is a weekly masterclass in leadership communication.

Bite-size classes for busy C-suite executives, business managers, and aspiring leaders who want to elevate their communication skills so they can lead confidently.

David Tyler, a broadcaster and media & communication coach, hosts the show.

Each episode tackles critical aspects of leadership communication, offering practical techniques and strategies to navigate challenging conversations, deliver impactful messages, and inspire teams. From handling conflicts with tact and empathy to crafting compelling leadership narratives, David provides actionable insights that can be immediately applied in your professional life.

What sets “The Master Communicator” apart is its no-nonsense blend of storytelling, expert advice, and real-world examples. David shares personal anecdotes and lessons learned, making complex concepts relatable and easily understood.


David Tyler Speaks about why you should SUBSCRIBE to The Master Communicator

Active Listening Skills

Active Listening Skills

David Tyler emphasizes the significance of active listening in leadership, explaining how it fosters empathy, reduces misunderstandings, and strengthens problem-solving abilities. He shares practical techniques for improving active listening skills, such as listening...

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Strategic Communication Planning

Strategic Communication Planning

David Tyler delves into the elements that contribute to executive presence, emphasizing the importance of confidence, gravitas, and communication skills. He provides practical tips on improving body language, vocal tone, and strategic communication. David also...

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Enhancing Executive Presence

Enhancing Executive Presence

Confidence, decisiveness, dignity, and self-assurance are all characteristics of great leaders. Combined, they are what make us great leaders. In this episode, David Tyler explores the elements that contribute to executive presence, emphasizing the importance of...

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The Art of Persuasion

The Art of Persuasion

In this episode of "The Master Communicator," host David Tyler explores the crucial leadership skill of persuasion. He explores the psychology of persuasion, including principles like reciprocity, social proof, and authority. David also shares techniques for crafting...

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Mastering Virtual Presentations

Mastering Virtual Presentations

David Tyler discusses the essential skills and strategies for delivering effective virtual presentations. He emphasizes the importance of a reliable technical setup, creating visually appealing slides, engaging the audience through interactive elements, and using...

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Navigating Difficult Conversations

Navigating Difficult Conversations

George Clooney had it down to an art in the movie Up in the Air (2009). But that was a movie, and this is real life. Knowing how to navigate difficult conversations is a vital skill for a leader. Tact and empathy will get you a long way, but add to your arsenal...

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Building a Leadership Narrative

Building a Leadership Narrative

Nothing builds trust more than a good story. In this episode of The Master Communicator, David Tyler explores the importance of a leadership narrative, sharing insights on how to craft and communicate a powerful vision that inspires and aligns teams. He breaks down...

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Effective Crisis Communication

Effective Crisis Communication

You can never be prepared enough for when disaster strikes. In this episode of The Master Communicator, David Tyler discusses the essential elements of effective crisis communication, including the importance of clear and transparent messaging, demonstrating empathy...

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1-888-4-DAVID TYLER (N. America)

+1-514-239-4691 (International)


P.O. Box 4, St. Martin, Laval, QC, H7V 3P4, Canada

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